Sunday, February 26, 2006


Back from our roadtrip tell u about it in later posts :D~!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

An Evening of Enlightment


The Journalistic Club (JC) - The National Union of Kuwait Students in cooperation with
I-MAG Magazine cordially invites you to:
An Evening of Enlightenment (in English)
Which will include: - Screening of the documentary Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet - A premiere of Ahmad Alhajry's video clip "Muhammad P.B.U.H" with English subtitle

Venue: Kuwait University, Khalidiyah Campus, NUKS Building, 20 KH, ground floor
Time: Wednesday February 22nd, 2006, 6:15 P.M.

يسر النادي الصحافي
في الاتحاد الوطني لطلبة الكويت بالتعاون مع
مجلة I-MAG
أن يدعوكم لحضور
أمـسيــة تنويـــر باللغة الإنكليزية
حيث سيعرض فيلم وثائقي عن سيرة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بعنوان
Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet
وسيعرض ولأول مرة فيديو كليب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
للمنشد أحمد الهاجري مترجمًا إلى اللغة الإنكليزية

وذلك يوم الأربعاء 22/فبراير/2006
في الخالدية، جامعة الكويت - كلية الهندسة، مبنى الاتحاد 20خ، الدور الأرضي في الساعة 6:15 مساءً


للاستفسار For Inquiries Telephone 4839462 هاتف Email: البريد الإلكتروني
For more information لمزيد من المعلومات
الموقع الرسمي للفعالية Event's Official Website

Monday, February 20, 2006

still wondering ... :S

Why is there no right way to do something wrong?
Why is it that we hear about artificial intelligence but never about artificial stupidity?
Did you know that it takes a smart man to know he's stupid?
Why does genius have its limits but stupidity goes on and on?
Why is it that most people are just dumb enough to believe you when you tell them how smart they are?
Is sanity simply madness put to good use?
Would the easiest way to become wise be to think of something stupid and then to say the opposite?
Why is it that we're never too old to learn something stupid?
Does being good at being stupid not count?
How come dumb stuff seems so smart while you're doing it?
Do people ask stupid questions for a reason?
Sure everyone is entitled to be stupid but don't some people seem to abuse the priviledge?
Is it better to be dumb like everybody than smart like nobody?
Are people getting more stupid or are we just noticing more as we age?
Does the fact that the Ku Klux Klan mis-spelt the work Clan indicate how smart they are?
Why doesn't stupidity hurt?
Why is it that the stupidity of a crowd is directly proportional to the size of the crowd?
What's the dumbest question you've ever been asked?
When you see someone 'acting stupid' do you ever consider that it might be the real thing?
If fifty million people say a foolish thing, is it still a foolish thing?
Would you rather think you were smart but really be dumb or think you were dumb and really be smart?
If someone asks you a stupid question, should you give them a stupid answer? And if you did, would they know the difference?
Sure, the world has to have its share of stupid people, but why do so many of them have to be around me?
If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid, is it?
If evolution were true, wouldn't survival of the fittest have killed off all the stupid people by now?
If there are no stupid questions then if I were to ask you what stupid means, wouldn't that be a question about stupid?
They say that there are no stupid questions, just stupid people, right? But they also say that you are what you think, don't they? So, technically, if you are a stupid person and you think of something that is stupid, and you ask it, isn't that a stupid question?
If stupid is as stupid does, would standing still make us smart?
I don't know and I don't know that I don’t know. Is that stupid? I don’t know.
If electricity comes from electrons, does that mean that morality comes from morons?
How come a person with a high IQ is still capable of being stupid?
Isn't the best thing about free speech, the fact that it makes it easy to identify the really stupid people?
OK, so there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers, right? But, what if you make a stupid answer in the form of a question?
If something is idiot proof, shouldn't that mean that idiots can't use it? So then why is it made for idiots?
Can someone have a photographic memory that is never developed?
If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?
Has anyone ever felt like an incomplete idiot?

let see if anyone is smart enough to answer these questions :D
EMPRESS3 still thinking .. excersize those brain cells !!


Why do your eyes turn red in flash photos?

Don't you think that if people looked like their passport photos very few Nations would let them in?
Does the film in a camera weigh more after a picture is taken?
Americans call films movies so why don't they call photographs stillies?
If a person wore red coloured contact lens then would a photograph of them show their real eye colour?
When a guy buys a picture frame for his wife's photo, if his wife is actually the model on the 'phony photo' that comes with it, does he take it out or leave it in?
How come the best photo opportunities come up after the roll of film is used up?
How do we know that the old black and white photographs aren't actually colour pictures and the world just changed to colour after the picture was taken?
Is it true that you'll have a bad day if you wake up looking like your driver's license picture?
Isn't airplane travel just nature's way of making you look like your passport photo?
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then why do you have to pay cash to get your film developed?
Because of the exchange rate, are Q8i pictures only worth 3000 words?
If someone tells you you're photogenic, does that mean you're better looking in pictures than in real life?
If a picture is worth a thousand words, and Helen of Troy had a face that could launch a thousand ships, does that mean that a picture of Helen of Troy could launch one million ships?
Why is it that whenever you get dressed up to have your picture taken, the picture ALWAYS turns out to be a complete disaster?
Why do people, when they show you a photo of themselves, say "this is me when I was younger"?

Use some of your brain cells and think a little :D


Things on my mind

If u know the answers let me know:-

Why are there more brown M&M's than any other colour?
I like the green ones stuffed with nuts :P Well maybe cause green is my favourite color

Why is a Chinese fortune cookie written in English?
It's a Chinese cookie not an English one!

What flavor is Bubble Gum supposed to be?
Or is it just this weird sticky stuff that can taste like anything?!

When you eat your Smarties do you eat the red ones last?

How is it that a two pound box of candy can make a woman gain five pounds?

How do M&Ms know when they're in your mouth so they can melt?
"M&M's Melt in your Mouth but not in your Hand " cute slogan but how does it know?

On the bags of miniature candy bars it says 'Fun Size'. Does this mean that the regular size bars are no fun?

If you had a package of M&M's, would you offer someone a M&M or a M&Ms? If it was a M&M, then you wouldn't have a package of M&M's, would you?

Why are M&Ms different colours if they all taste the same?

Why aren't they called bakies instead of cookies?

How do they make jelly beans? Do they take, for example, a "juicy pear" and stuff it in a jelly bean?

All this stuff on food is making my tummy growl
I guess all this thinking burned alot of calories



Tuesday, February 14, 2006

دروس وعبر

لا تدع الأحداث تمر عليك مرور الكرام بل تفكر فيها وخذ العبر
في الأيام الماضية تعلمت دروسا عديدة ألخصها بالآتي
البعد عن اللغو والغفلة
فلا يدري الإنسان متى يأتي أجله وأين سيموت ولذلك عليه أن يكون جاهزا دائما للقاء ربه
الاستمرار على الطاعة والذكر
من ذكر الله ارتاح اطمئن قلبه وارتاح ضميره
لدينا أذكار للصباح والمساء وركوب السيارة والطعام وكل شيء
فلم لا نذكر إلا قليلا منها بينما يمكننا جني الكثير من الحسنات بتحليك اللسان فقط
التوبة والاستغفار من الذنوب
صلة الأرحام
لا أقصد الأجداد والعمات والأعمام والخالات والأخوال فحسب
ولكن بزيارة من هم أبعد منهم بالعائلة
فقد جربت ذلك ويالها من متعة ليس بحصول الإنسان على الأجر فقط
ولكن أيضا بالتعرف على دائرة أوسع من الأهل وسماع حكايات الماضي
((I'll tell u soon inshallah about that expeience))
Empress 2

Monday, February 13, 2006

بابا هاشم يرحمه الله

شعر: ندى السيد يوسف السيد هاشم الرفاعي
هاشم ، سليلُ البيتِ ذي الأنوارِ .. وبقيةٌ من بِضعةِ المختارِ

جدّي الذي منح الشهامةَ حقها .. واختص كلَّ معالمَ الإيثارِ

ابن الكرام الخاشعين لربهم .. وأبو الأحبةِ كلهم بالدارِ

راعي المروءةِ والحصافةِ والندى .. وأخو الأراملَ والحِمى والجارِ

النوخذا المقدامُ ذو العزمِ الجري .. ودليلهم في جولةِ الإبحارِ

حفظ الكتابَ وعاشَ في آياتِهِ .. دار الأمورَ بحكمةِ الأحرارِ

جمع الرجاحةَ والوجاهةَ واقتدى .. واستلَّ نُبلَ شمائلَ الأخيارِ

جاب القضايا والمحاكمَ بالنُهى .. وبمنطقٍ جَزِلٍ وحُسنَ قرارِ

في رحمة الله الكريم فقيدنا .. وبجـنة قدسـية الأنوارِ
يا ربّ أغدق فضلَ خيركِ كلِّهِ .. روحاً ترفرفُ باسمك الغفّارِ

صلّى الإلهُ على النبيِّ محمدٍ .. ما رتَّلَ الداعونَ بالأسحارِ

والآلِ والصحبِ الكرامِ جميعهم .. هم عُصبةٌ من نُخبةِ الأبرارِ
Empress 2

Friday, February 10, 2006


تبكي العيون فراق الأحبة
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Just 4 FuN =)

Hi =)

People who know me, please fill this out about!! BE HONEST PLZ !

** YES or NO **

Am i ... ?

Ugly ? :
Kind ? :
Loud ? :
Shy ? :
Weird ? :
Selfish ? :
Crazy ?:
Nice ? :
Mean ? :
Rude ? :
Cool ? :
Stupid ? :
Caring ? :
A friend ? :
More than a friend ? :
Talkative ? :
Boring ? :
Beautiful ? :
Smart ? :
Confusing ? :
Sweet ? :
Mood swings ? :
Annoying ? :
Funny ? :
Hyper ? :


Give me a new name, what would it be ?:
Drop me one piece of advice, it would be ?:


Which song reminds you of me ? :
When is my birthday ? (Don't cheat!) :
Who is my best friend ? :
Where do i like to go ? :
Have you ever had a dream about me ?
What am i crazy about?
If you could change one thing about me what would it be ? :
What do you love about me ? :
Describe me in 3-5 words :

Empress 2

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Anything but our BELOVED PROPHET (PBUH) !!

We urge you all to boycott Denmark! It's the least thing we could do for our Prophet PBUH!

I have a lot of respect to Danish people and I’m sure most of them do not approve the drawings that offended us but what happened is so horrible ans is away from democracy and freedom of press ans expression! We Muslims respect everyone and all religions.

You need to read about our prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him to undersand why muslims were so offended about the cartoons.


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